Friday, March 27, 2009

ArtFire Interview...Green Hill Soap Co.

This is the 6th interview of a featured seller participating in our April ArtFire giveaway running Wed. 4/1/09-Tues. 4/7/09. The theme is Eco-Friendly, and all of our sellers offer a 10% discount during the giveaway week and a purchase from any ArtFire shop during that week gets you an extra entry into the giveaway. Buy from a featured seller that week, and we up it to 2! Today's interview is with Brandi and Dan of the Green Hill Soap Co. They are donating their Vegan Guest Size Trio of Unscented Lavender and Oatmeal soaps. I've used Green Hill's soaps and they are fabulous! They leave your skin feeling clean and pure and their packaging is very eco-perfect!

Here's Brandi & Dan...

1. Biographical Info:
We're a small, family owned company run by a husband (Dan) and wife (Brandi) who love and raise 3 small children, a dog the size of a pony and two cats who think they own the house. We live, work, worship and play in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA.

2. Who and or what inspired you to become an artist? Was there a specific event or period in your life when you decided to go this route and why? Was it the right decision?
Green Hill Soap Company was born from our desire to use good, natural things on our skin. It all started when Dan's older brother passed away at the age of 43 from a cancer that has run rampant through his family. We can't change heredity, but we can change the things we put on and in our bodies (and our childrens'!). Natural, organic, homegrown...that's now us in a nutshell.

3. Define your craft as you see it and explain the mental and physical process you go through to create what you sell. For example, do you spend 90% of the time creating and 10% listing or 70% ruminating on an idea and 30% of the time bringing it to life?
Soaping is just fun! Each batch, each bar is a lesson in patience, nurturing and hope. It sounds corny, but it's true.

4. What purpose does your art serve in your life? Is it just paying the bills?
Our purpose, first and foremost, is helping promote our family's health. When we started sharing with people at work and church, well, our purpose grew.

5. Are you a full-time artist or a double agent?
We definitely wear so many hats that "double agent" doesn't even begin to describe us!

6. What other creative outlets do you employ?
Playing with the kids, gardening, sewing, painting, cooking...

7. Why do you like selling on ArtFire, and why is being apart of the upcoming giveaway important to you?
We love the ArtFire community & the amazing tools available to us as sellers. The upcoming giveaway is important to us, because it's what we're all, natural, green. And it starts on Brandi's birthday, so that's fun too.

8. Tell us something about you that we wouldn't assume just from browsing in your shop.
We laugh a lot. A LOT. Giggles definitely are in our soaps.

9. What have you learned about yourself by being an artist? What have you learned about others and/or society?
We've learned, as a couple creating together, that we love working together.

10. What have you learned about yourself by being a business person? What have you learned about others and/or society?
We've come to realize that Dan likes to contemplate & Brandi likes to do. We balance one another out. Usually.

11. If you weren't the artist you are today, what else would you be?
Well, we'd probably be less tired, because we'd sleep more. ;)

12. What advice would give to someone who wanted to start their own shop on ArtFire or another handmade venue?
Go for it! Do it for the fun of doing it and if it becomes not fun, stop. Also, have realistic expectations. Just because you know you're open for business doesn't mean everyone else does, so you have to promote!

13. What flavor of ice cream are you and why?
Chocolate peanut butter from our favorite dairy farm, because it's delightful. And so are we. ;)

Thanks Brandi and Dan for that great interview! I want to come live your life; I'll be there 2morrow!
Interviews of other sellers in this giveaway: Chelsea Lynn Designs, Jennuine Candles, Campgirldesigns, CobWebPalace, MeaCulpaBodyandBath.

Want to peek at past giveaways? January February March

See you tomorrow with another awesome interview!!! ~Lori

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