Monday, April 12, 2010

A birthday gift for a sweet little guy....

I'm excited because I'm going to see a good friend of mine for dinner tonight. His name is Henry, and he's 3. I spent ten years of my life working with children 0-5, and I really miss it sometimes, so my nieces and my friend's children get to make up for that. :) He's a picture of Henry from about 6 mos. ago. Fair warning, he's a little heart breaker! (Look at those eyelashes. What a cutey pie!)

I buy handmade 98% of the time and have gotten some great gifts for kids on Etsy. Here's what Henry is getting this year:

Crayons come from Ivy Lane Designs on Etsy.

And a huge pad of paper!

Oh, childhood. You own me.


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