Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Craft Juice, Fresh Squeezed Tuesday, 11/9/10

This week's Craft Juice picks are all about CUTE! Don't you just wanna cuddle up with this little guy?  Well, too bad, he's for your doggy!!

Christmas + winter + technology =

Okay, maybe this isn't dictionary 'cute,' but I love it!  And it's chilly here!

Along with my handmade soap and handmade art fetish, I also have a thing for....clocks!

You know, lavender is very big on the doll runway this year!  Trust me!

That's all for now! I don't know about you, but I'm on cute overload now!  I make these picks every Tuesday.  Check out previous picks!



  1. What a lovely selection you have here! I love that Santa Robot sculpture.

    Thank you for choosing my teddy bear dog toy :)

  2. Cute they are! Thanks for sharing how to use craftjuice Tuesday on our own blogs!
