Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Success with Diet and Exercise

It's been one of my goals to lose weight and get back in shape, and I'm having some decent success at it. I've lost 9 pounds in about 2-3 weeks. Now, I realize that's not a lot, but I'm changing my lifestyle, not just my eating habits. I've lost my appetite for fast food, and exercising has also helped curb my appetite. I'm watching what I eat and going to the gym several times a week. When I'm there, I do a strength training circuit, stretching, and a few minutes on the treadmill. I'm getting to the point where I look forward to the moment I strap on my sneakers and head out. So, in honor of steady success, here are some nifty handmade exercise-inspired things!

Now, get to stepping!



  1. awesome job on the fitness success! and thanks for featuring my hacky!

  2. Thank you so much! I love your feature! congrats on your success! I started playing roller derby 5 years ago and it completely changed my life. I never thought I could be athletic and now I enjoy a number of activities and cant imagine my life without daily exercise.

    This is great! thanks again!

  3. Great job! Keep it up! I love Magic Marking's art. So summery!

  4. Congrats to you, sounds like your doing great! So glad you found my roller skates inspirational ~ I do wish they fit me!

  5. Great job on the weight loss!! Thanks so much for including my Food Journal as inspiration :)

  6. Congrats on your weight loss, it's not easy to do.

  7. Wow, I love this group of products. What awesome picks!

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